漫画西游记 得真经修成正果 - Journey to the West: Obtaining the True Scripture and Achieving Perfection

SKU 9789866130168
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  • 历千辛万苦,唐僧一行终于得以脱胎换骨来到灵山,取得有字真经,并一一受封佛号,返回大唐途中,遭遇落水之难,原来这才是九九八十一难的最后一关。
  • 增列西游记内容重要典故说明,补充相关知识。
  • 说明内容成语,以解释、造句、出处、同异义词教导,深入浅出完全理解经典名着。

Learn about the trials and tribulations of Tang Sanzang and his followers as they journey to obtain the True Scripture and achieve enlightenment. Complete with important historical context, idioms, and explanations for a deeper understanding. Perfect for anyone wanting to understand this classic Chinese tale.
