Ace your O Level English Essay Writing - Write it Sharp

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Ace your O Level English Essay Writing - Write it Sharp

Ace your O Level English Essay Writing is designed to equip writers to excel in the writing component in the O Level English Language examinations. To achieve this, this book has been divided into 2 parts.

Part 1 provides 10 mock practice papers in alignment with the latest examination format for GCSE paper 1184, comprising 3 sections. The editing component in Section A features synopses of O Level literature texts. The visual texts in Section B are modelled after internship application scenarios. The essay prompts in Section C are based on common O Level essay themes using insights gathered from an analysis of past year papers.

Part 2 covers the essential essay features of two types of expository essays: discursive and argumentative. Model essays are provided for reference, complemented by teacher’s tips on achieving band 5 according to the latest marking scheme. Grammar and vocabulary practices are included to enhance expository writing skills by focusing on language features.

Ace your Writing is 3-book series covering PSLE, lower secondary and O level – with the aim of improving writing abilities and solidifying vocabulary from upper primary to secondary level.