Super Skills First Maths ADDITION and SUBTRACTION (Age 4+ Years)

SKU 9789813423107


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N – K2 (4 to 6 years) • Read, recognise and write numbers 1 to 100. • Compare and order numbers within 100. • Recognise and complete number patterns. • Relate number bonds to addition and subtraction. • Complete fact families. • Add and subtract numbers in different ways. • Perform vertical addition and subtraction with or without renaming. • Understand and solve word problems involving addition and subtraction • Excite preschoolers by providing them with a head start by bridging the transition from preschool to primary school as the core pedagogy of this series is based squarely on the P1 mathematics syllabus set forth by the MOE (Ministry of Education). • Scaffold learning by prescribing lessons in progressive components, across levels, with each subsequent part building upon its immediate predecessor to empower young minds. • Instil good number sense and inculcate basic numeracy techniques in students with targeted focus on operations of addition and subtraction alone to immerse students in the fascinating world of numbers. • Present fundamental mathematical concepts involving number logic, sum and difference via the pictorial-to-abstract approach to engage learners’ imaginations and help them grasp complex ideas in an accessible manner. 210mm x 297mm Alan Tan K. H. 144