
SKU 9789620434600


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The third edition of the "Chinese Made Easy" is written for primary 5 or 6 students and secondary school and university students who are learning Chinese as a foreign/second language. The primary goal of the 3rd series is to help students establish a solid foundation of vocabulary, grammar, knowledge of Chinese and communication skills through natural and graduate integration of language, content and culture. The simultaneous development of listening, speaking, reading and writing is especially emphasized. This aim is to help students develop skills to communicate in Chinese in authentic contexts and express their viewpoint appropriately, precisely, logically and coherently. The 3rd edition consists of seven books and in two stages. The first stage consists of books 1 through 4 (the textbook and the workbook are separate), and the second stage consists of books 5 through 7 (the textbook and the workbook are combined).. About the speakers: Ms. Xiaomeng Shang has a Masters Degree in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language from Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU). She has taught in International Chinese Language & Culture Center at Tsinghua University, College of Intensive Chinese Training at BLCU, as well as Peking University CSI program and Columbia University CIB program. She also participated in compiling textbooks such as Writing Exercises for HSK etc.