P3&4 华文a*之路 分辨常用词语

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"根据新加坡教育部公布的2017年小六会考 Primary School Leaving Examination, PSLE 华文科试卷格式,“语文应用”一项已从原有的10题总20分,增至15题总30分占比为“试卷二”总分的三分之一,足见“语文应用”的重要性。

在“语文应用”中,首要是必须娴熟掌握华文字词。然而,小学华文字词中  意义或用法只是存在细微差别的词语不少,常让学生难以分辨。其实,华文字词 的运用具有一定的规律,只要掌握有效的学习方法,平时多看、多练,日积月累 下便能打好坚实的语文根基。



(一) 常见部首:列出小学华文的40个常见部首,以华英双语解释含义并提供字 例,帮助小学生通过部首辨认字词的基本词义。

(二)词义辨析技巧:列出五种有效方法及具体例子,使学生在面对意义或用法 相近的词语时,即使不完全认识所有字词,也能从容辨析,进一步掌握词义。

(三)词辨组合:以最新出版的小学华文教材《欢乐伙伴》系列为依据,将其中 约157个使用率较高、且意义或用法相近的词语,分成52组作比较,并在各组词辨中:

1. 根据字词在课文中的先后次序排序;

2. 标出字词的汉语拼音 帮助学生认读;

3. 以华英双语解释含义并且列举实用短语或常用的字词搭配帮助学生掌握字词的义及用法;

4. 附上华英小词识作为词辨技巧参考 让华文学习变得更简易有趣;

5. 附上贴近本地生活的句子习题 让学生借由实际练习提升字词的辨识及

掌握能力 书末附有参考答案 。

(四)综合练习:参考新加坡教育部公布的小六华文科“语文应用”一项的试题格式,提供10份与词辨相关的综合练习模拟题,帮助考生充分练习,熟悉题型  提升应考信心 书末附有参考答案。 

根据新加坡教育部公布的2017年小六会考 Primary School Leaving Examination, PSLE 华文科试卷格式,“语文应用”一项已从原有的10题总20分,增至15题总30分占比为“试卷二”总分的三分之一,足见“语文应用”的重要性。

在“语文应用”中,首要是必须娴熟掌握华文字词。然而,小学华文字词中  意义或用法只是存在细微差别的词语不少,常让学生难以分辨。其实,华文字词 的运用具有一定的规律,只要掌握有效的学习方法,平时多看、多练,日积月累 下便能打好坚实的语文根基。



(一) 常见部首:列出小学华文的40个常见部首,以华英双语解释含义并提供字 例,帮助小学生通过部首辨认字词的基本词义。

(二)词义辨析技巧:列出五种有效方法及具体例子,使学生在面对意义或用法 相近的词语时,即使不完全认识所有字词,也能从容辨析,进一步掌握词义。

(三)词辨组合:以最新出版的小学华文教材《欢乐伙伴》系列为依据,将其中 约157个使用率较高、且意义或用法相近的词语,分成52组作比较,并在各组词辨中:

1. 根据字词在课文中的先后次序排序;

2. 标出字词的汉语拼音 帮助学生认读;

3. 以华英双语解释含义并且列举实用短语或常用的字词搭配帮助学生掌握字词的义及用法;

4. 附上华英小词识作为词辨技巧参考 让华文学习变得更简易有趣;

5. 附上贴近本地生活的句子习题 让学生借由实际练习提升字词的辨识及

掌握能力 书末附有参考答案 。

(四)综合练习:参考新加坡教育部公布的小六华文科“语文应用”一项的试题格式,提供10份与词辨相关的综合练习模拟题,帮助考生充分练习,熟悉题型  提升应考信心 书末附有参考答案。 

According to the examination format for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) announced by the Singapore Ministry of Education in 2017, the Language Application component has increased from 10 questions for 20 marks to 15 questions for a total of 30 marks. This constitutes a third of the total possible score for Paper 2, attesting to the importance of Language Application.

In terms of Language Application, students must first master their Chinese vocabulary. However, many words in primary school Chinese vocabulary have minute differences in meaning or usage. Students often find them difficult to differentiate. In fact, the usage of Chinese words typically follows a pattern, and if students apply effective learning methods while reading and practising regularly, they will form a strong linguistic foundation in time.

This book is written for Primary 5 and 6 students in Singapore, and designed to address the practical concerns and needs of these students in a practical, effective, and fun way. With this systematic approach targeting the Chinese words in their syllabus, students will learn to improve their learning efficiency and be better prepared for their examinations.

This book is divided into four sections:

1. Common Radicals: 40 commonly seen Chinese radicals are listed, along with explanations in both Chinese and English. Examples are also provided to enhance students’ learning.

2. Word Differentiation Techniques: Five effective methods are listed along with examples. Applying these methods, students will be able to analyse calmly even when faced with similar-looking words that they have never encountered before.

3. Word Differentiation Groups: Taking reference from the Huanle Huoban textbooks, approximately 157 frequently used words have been divided into 52 groups for comparison, and within each group:

a. Words have been arranged according to their order of appearance in the lessons.

b. Pronunciations of words have been indicated in hanyu pinyin.

c. Explanations are provided in Chinese and English to help students master these Chinese words.

d. Handy and interesting word tips in both Chinese and English help students to differentiate the words easily.

e. Practice questions that reference daily life, letting students enhance their ability in differentiating the words and mastering vocabulary. (Answers are provided at the end of this book.)

4. Combined Practice: 10 practice exercises modelled after the “Language Application” section of the Singapore Ministry of Education’s Primary School Leaving Examination are provided to help students familiarise themselves with the examination format and build their confidence. (Answers are provided at the end of this book.)"