P4 Tackling Chin Language Usage

SKU 9789814859202


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语文应用是小学华文考试的主要项目 之一,考核范围以课文词语为主。本 系列根据华文课本《欢乐伙伴》编 写,旨在帮助学生专攻语文应用题。 本系列提供各类语文应用题目的技巧 和经典试题,让学生轻松拿下这个项 目的分数。书中的练习也提供每课词 语表,以巩固学生所学,更好地帮助 学生攻下语文应用项目。 Developed based on latest Primary Chinese school textbooks, Tackling Chinese Language Usage series aims to boost pupil’s competency in the Language Usage component in the Primary Chinese examinations. Besides practices, this series also comes with word lists, commonly-tested questions and answering techniques to reinforce pupils’ knowledge and skills in tackling the component