A-Level General Paper: Model Essays by Themes Volume 1
SKU 9789810993283
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Many students often feel lost as to how to analyse and learn from model essays effectively. This series of Model Essays by Themes strive to be different from other essays books: they aim to help students not merely to increase their exposure and understanding of various GP issues and themes, but also to learn how to improve their language skills through examining and analysing various essays in the books.
At the end of each essay, there is a section titled ‘How to Make Use of This Essay’ where students can take time to extract useful content, writing techniques and language skills from the essay they have just read.
They will be guided in preparing for the two key aspects that are assessed for GP Paper 1 (Essay):
Content: Picking out points, arguments, counter-arguments, examples, statistics etc.
Language: Picking out useful words, phrases, connectors, transitional phrases, etc.
This short but important exercise trains students to build their own repository of useful GP resources from other future essays they come across.
In addition, due to the wide-ranging perspectives on various issues of the day, the essays in this book deliberately take on different (and sometimes opposing) stances on the same issue.
This is so that students can be exposed to a diversity of viewpoints which would hopefully help them to think deeper about their own positions regarding different topics and themes in GP.
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