P3 Daily Dose Of Chinese-Rev

SKU 9789813126671


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《华文日日补》 根据最新小学华文课本《欢乐伙伴》编写。 本书依照学校的教学进度, 将内容分为四个学期, 共有 200篇练习, 每篇练习 专注于一种题型。本书犹如人们每日服食的维生素一般, 学生每日只需花不超过1 5 分钟的时间, 就能巩固华文的知识, 训练答题的技巧, 从而提升华文的水平。 Daily Dose of Chinese is part of a series of 6 books that includes language components appearing in tests and examinations. This book comprises 200 daily practices. By just spending 15 minutes a day, pupils get the regular and consistent practice they need to build their foundation, improve their ability in answering questions and improve their proficiency in the Chinese Language.